Wednesday, 13 June 2007


yep....ive been diagnosed, by a really creepy doctor who i wasnt too happy at showing my back to!
(socks and jesus sandles-need i say more?)
So ive got shingles, thankfully not too bad, only a smallish couple of patches on the left side of my back, got an emergency appointment with the doc today who prescribed me horrible antibiotics (which i have chucked) and have just been to my homeopath who has given me some little sugar pills (i know what i would rather take!)....only 12 days til i fly but should be sorted by then.
In more positive news, had a nice weekend camping with the folks, really lovely weather, and only slightly marred by a disasterous nights sleep on a blow up mattress that decided to deflate slowly through out the night. nice to spend some time with the girlies before indonesia.
Ive now got the pain in the neck decision whether to take antimalarials in indonesia- th eones that ive got are antibiotics as well, and i hate taking anything like that. (less then 60% effective and mask the first signs of malaria anyway.....) Lots of serious decisions to make. Ugh.
So been a mad day of docs and health worries but hopefully all okay-at least i got travel insurance last week!


Anonymous said...

I thought that disease went out of date decades ago. Poor you! How do you catch it? Will you really be okay for going away? Can we see pictures? of your back?

Anonymous said...

yeh chuck yeh im okat tah if a little itchy- ive gone for antivirals AND homeopathy so all should be fine!!!