Sunday, 27 May 2007


You should see my bedroom, its completely covered with pieces of paper-notes for indonesia, endless changed flights, etc. It is SOOO nice to have everything booked now, but my paper-boudoir keeps on being added to with lists of things that still need to be sorted.
You know when you get that feeling like your heads about to explode youve got so many tings that are wurling aroun in there, well it got to the point were i was laying in bed trying to et to sleep but ending up mulling over everything i had to do- so i started listing it all. 29 bullet points later-and i feel slightly more human. I dont think my sanity is helped by the fact that today im working 12 hours (8-3, 6-11), bank holiday remember(which should be banned in my books!).
But ive got monday and tuesday off, and am goin to be 'frivolous' and SPEND some money (shock, horror) and head up to 'the big smoke' to see ro- yay-been too long....again!
Sooo 29 days til it all kicks off, ready and waiting.

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