Sunday, 27 May 2007


You should see my bedroom, its completely covered with pieces of paper-notes for indonesia, endless changed flights, etc. It is SOOO nice to have everything booked now, but my paper-boudoir keeps on being added to with lists of things that still need to be sorted.
You know when you get that feeling like your heads about to explode youve got so many tings that are wurling aroun in there, well it got to the point were i was laying in bed trying to et to sleep but ending up mulling over everything i had to do- so i started listing it all. 29 bullet points later-and i feel slightly more human. I dont think my sanity is helped by the fact that today im working 12 hours (8-3, 6-11), bank holiday remember(which should be banned in my books!).
But ive got monday and tuesday off, and am goin to be 'frivolous' and SPEND some money (shock, horror) and head up to 'the big smoke' to see ro- yay-been too long....again!
Sooo 29 days til it all kicks off, ready and waiting.

Saturday, 26 May 2007


Thursday, 17 May 2007

I've got a confession to having one of THOSE days were the hours are dragging along, waiting to go out in Canterbury later, and ive been watching -of all horrendous sins- the Hits channel on telly, and i really like the new Maroon5 single...i know, im sorry, but its really catchy and made me dance around the livingroom. Good imagery!
Im off for a meal and a boogie with the peeps from work later, which should be a laugh, as some of them can be pretty wild when they let their hairdown- not one to laugh at others expence :P
We're all off to a chinese restaurant (egh....not a major fan but best foot forward, or stomach as the case may be), all 15 or so of us (minus the unlucky ones who are working or up early for the breaky shift at 6am). Itll be nice to get out with a big bunch of peeps as hasnt happened in a while, and there are some really fab people that i work with, so should be some fun and frollocking......and lots of gossip for the next couple of shifts which from what i can work out is the major spur to go out in the first place!
Was chatting to a bloke at work a couple of days ago, who decided very sensibly (:P), to warn me that i was a loony for going to Indonesia and that i was gonna die either from tsunami, earthquake, mudslide, volcano, terrorist attack or if im lucky, some air-born killer virus that eats me from the inside out....gotta love boys imaginations!! Freaked me out a tad though so re-consulted my trusty lonelyplanet to calm my nerves...agh, 5 weeks to go!
Ooh- also MAJOR claim to fame- Served one of the judges from 'Masterchef' at work yesterday...the one with the bald head and an obsession with locally grown produce. And suprise suprise he is a COMPETE He complained that i wouldnt give him a tab at the bar (we dont do tabs-pretty stupid really), and when i said that the duty manager said never to set up tabs, he said would i jump ofa bridge if the manager told me i replied with 'most probably yes if i was on shift.' which shut him up for a good 10mins before he complained that the room was too smokey. Gotta love TV presenters!! We had a Newsround presenter come in for breaky a few weeks ago....god i love newsround!
Warble Warble Warble.

Monday, 14 May 2007

Just found this really cool pic from Green Gathering 2006, what fun what fun!

Family Pics

my grandpops and lani
me and a knackered freya

say 'fromage!'

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Just got back from dragging myself through water (commonly known as swimming).I did 30laps of the pool which isnt too bad as i havnt swam for a while, and now feel very virtuous but also a bit like ive downed a bottle of bleach-which i most probably have!
Also managed to set up some workexperience for when i get back from Indonesia, with a new eco/fairtrade company called Marzipan which is based in london...had a chat with the owner and she sounded really nice. Good experience and ace on the old C.V too.
Looks like mum and the gals may be heading back from 'the continent' a bit earlier then planned, as jon (stepdad) has to head back for work and mum doesnt want to be left fending off the kids all on her lonesome , what with 'the bun in the oven' and all (effectionately known as 'milky').Gotta love tummynames-mine was alouisious by the way.
All excited about the future at the moment (changes on a moment to moment basis from excitement to paralysing fear :p), indonesian flights are sorted, internal flight to Malaysia (to chane visa) is on the cards to be bought tonight, rucksack is experience, hopefully spending some time living in london with my girly row, and been checking out some ace unis for sept'08....all good laughs!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007


My GORGEOUS GORGEOUS backpack came through the post today! Its a Lowe Alpine TFX Ridge ND 65+15 , 'A durable, high-quality women’s pack designed for multi-day backpacking and backcountry trips. The TFX 5 back gives perfect comfort and load control over difficult terrain', and whats even cooler is i got £30 off, gotta love a bargain! So im one step closer to headin off with my girly Jen for fun and frollocking in Indonesia!

Monday, 7 May 2007


Just got out of work (8am til 4) from the busiest day i worked so far....we had 80 residents for breaky, a 10K race finish right outside our door-producing hundreds of starving, the obvious consiquences of a Bank Holiday, AND the May Day Festival crowds from up the hill. Also we had a proper torrential downpour at about 3 which resulted in standing room only conditions and weaving in between anorak-clad folks. Also I got a cup of hot coffee poured down my shirt(burn boobs-OWW!!) and thus stink of a mix of fishcakes and (consequently) coffee....BUT apart from having no feeling in my feet, im pretty chirpy....amazingly!
Managed to catch the last hour of the may day celebrations...have a boogy to a pretty decent caleidh band and raided the stalls from some bargains.
Its a bit strange having such a quiet house, I quite like it most of the time, during the day, but at night its a bit lonely. The folks seem to be having pretty crap weather in France which is a shame, but luckily their in one of the Canvas Holiday campsite things with 'clever' tents which have beds and electricity etc. (not REAL camping!!!).
But 3 days off now, HORRAH. Im gonna do art, go for a bike ride, do anything which makes me feel ME and not a Robot!!!!

Thursday, 3 May 2007


Me looking alright on 4 hours sleep!!

My aunty and uncle all 'morrised-up'

Some of the morris dancers
Summer Sun


Wednesday, 2 May 2007


May Day started pretty bloomin early yesterday, with me tumbling out of bed at 4:30am to head down to the beach (clutching a travelmug of tea!) and meet the other mad residents of Whitstable, to 'dance in the dawn'. I met up with my uncle alex and his wife all black faced and morris-clad clutching their flask of brandy to get em was really nice, got to see some really good morris teams, sip my brew, and watch a beautiful sunrise. It was a fab turnout suprisingly, for such an early start, but the weather was absolutely beautiful with clear blue skies, really felt like we were celebrating summer!
Pictures to follow.
Other news, the peeps came down from the 'shire late on the 30th, is really nice to see the kiddies (though now feeling rather rattled by so much acivity), and a nice change to suddenly have parents around the place again! Mums childhood friend sarah came down for the day, she was really nice and a good laugh, and we went to a nice italian restaurant by the sea for lunch, wich even grated fresh parmesan on your pasta (dont know why i found that so amazing, but i did)!
So today me and ma are off for a bit of a catch-up, and then EVERYONE is off on the ferry to france, so i have the house to myself for 3wks.....bit weird after the family gathering thats going down at the moment.