Saturday 13 October 2007

Its been a gap of about 1 1/2 months since last blogging, and life has got thoroughly normal-ified in that time! Jen and I have been home for about 3 weeks now, and only in about the last week have we been 'functioning' human beings- quivering wrecks for the first 2 weeks!
Being back is shit in someways and okay in others.....its nice to be home, with my sisters and see the peeps again. As all my belongings are down south still im still living on a bags-worth of clothes and borrowing my mums boots, so no change there!
Jen and i are seeing a lot more of each other then before travelling, which keeps us both sane/insane (AS IT SHOULD BE!), we havnt really gone more then 3 days without seeing each other!
I went boldering/climbing, another new activity(!), at the edge in sheffield, which was a great laugh.....there were some amazing climbers there-possibly more egotistical then divers (she says in awe).....i could see myself getting addicted to it. My hands are skinned, and my arms feel about 2 feet two long for my body after it all though!
Had the first of two trial shifts as assistant chef at the Beltane in buxton today (9-4). Went well , i think, and the managers and staff are really lovely. The head chef, jess, is my age and went to Lady Manners so we have some mutual friends......hopefully will work out well, as the pay is £7.10 an hour+tips! Cant scoff at that dosh......even if you do leave smelling of other people's food, thankfully its not all fried! Ive got another shift tomorrow (10-5) and then i should find out if ive got the job-fingers crossed cos i SERIOUSLY need the dosh!
Jen and i are already planning to head off again, to indonesia and maybe australia, around march time for about 5 months....Im going to do my Rescue Diver training and then were both going to do Dive Master and hopefully Instructor, maybe a job in it! Were thinking that we may get a Holiday Working Visa for Australia so that we can 'self sustain' for 2 months and then we should have enough dosh saved up for the diving courses and travelling in THEORY anyway! All debts have to be paid off first, but hopefully thats all possible on £7.10 an hour?!
Ive got to sign of and finish making a fab mermaid costume for Lani for her 7th birthday tomorrow....(7!!!)....she loved the ones jen and i made in Gili Trawangan, but hers is WAY better!
Til next time......

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