Wednesday 4 July 2007

Still in Yogya(said jogja) and really enjoying the baking hot weather and chilled out atmosphere-had a liein this morning then had my first really nice breaky since i got here, in 'Bedhot' restaurant (means 'creative' in javanese-has loads of fab murals all over the walls) -had banana porridge....very nice. Then we went to chat to a really nice local artist-got all inspired- then headed off into the sprawling heap of people thatis Jl Malboro to go to a market....picked up a nice batik wrap skirt for all of about 1quid! Then had a bit of a siesta as it was WAY too hot. Just had dinner in a cool bamboo place, met some nice people, saw a few c.roaches etc etc. Tomorrow were gonna go to the soltans palace in yogya and a few other interesting places.
Miss everyone but enjoying the adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bex,

So glad to hear you're having a really great experience and excaped the dodgy massage! Rain still pissing down here, but monotony relieved yesterday by spectacular thunder storm with huge hailstones......??!!

Lotsa luv Bob & Mazza xxx