Monday 7 May 2007


Just got out of work (8am til 4) from the busiest day i worked so far....we had 80 residents for breaky, a 10K race finish right outside our door-producing hundreds of starving, the obvious consiquences of a Bank Holiday, AND the May Day Festival crowds from up the hill. Also we had a proper torrential downpour at about 3 which resulted in standing room only conditions and weaving in between anorak-clad folks. Also I got a cup of hot coffee poured down my shirt(burn boobs-OWW!!) and thus stink of a mix of fishcakes and (consequently) coffee....BUT apart from having no feeling in my feet, im pretty chirpy....amazingly!
Managed to catch the last hour of the may day celebrations...have a boogy to a pretty decent caleidh band and raided the stalls from some bargains.
Its a bit strange having such a quiet house, I quite like it most of the time, during the day, but at night its a bit lonely. The folks seem to be having pretty crap weather in France which is a shame, but luckily their in one of the Canvas Holiday campsite things with 'clever' tents which have beds and electricity etc. (not REAL camping!!!).
But 3 days off now, HORRAH. Im gonna do art, go for a bike ride, do anything which makes me feel ME and not a Robot!!!!

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