Thursday 10 May 2007

Just got back from dragging myself through water (commonly known as swimming).I did 30laps of the pool which isnt too bad as i havnt swam for a while, and now feel very virtuous but also a bit like ive downed a bottle of bleach-which i most probably have!
Also managed to set up some workexperience for when i get back from Indonesia, with a new eco/fairtrade company called Marzipan which is based in london...had a chat with the owner and she sounded really nice. Good experience and ace on the old C.V too.
Looks like mum and the gals may be heading back from 'the continent' a bit earlier then planned, as jon (stepdad) has to head back for work and mum doesnt want to be left fending off the kids all on her lonesome , what with 'the bun in the oven' and all (effectionately known as 'milky').Gotta love tummynames-mine was alouisious by the way.
All excited about the future at the moment (changes on a moment to moment basis from excitement to paralysing fear :p), indonesian flights are sorted, internal flight to Malaysia (to chane visa) is on the cards to be bought tonight, rucksack is experience, hopefully spending some time living in london with my girly row, and been checking out some ace unis for sept'08....all good laughs!

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